Revive her was created by Ayantu Gudina and is an extension of Revive Church designed specifically for women of all ages. It is a movement committed to pointing #Her to Jesus, the only one able to raise that which is dead back to life.
Every Thursday evening at 7:30pm our founder Ayantu will host an Instagram live session for all the #Hers at Revive.
Grab a cup of tea and tune in for a chilled yet meaningful conversation.
You are chosen, clothed in dignity, fearfully and wonderfully made #you are Her.
You are strong, beautiful, bold, black, white, big hair, no hair #you are her.
You are secure, unstoppable, free from bondages and firmly rooted in Christ #Youareher.
We are inclusive, our sister’s keeper, and forever cheering each other on #weareher
We are always surrounded and never isolating ourselves, because we do not have to fight our battles alone #weareher
We have honour for those who have gone before us and always available to the next generation #weareher